Wednesday 10 February 2016

Bad Teacher (G-Dragon fanfic, part#1)

Six months. Already six months and yet still no progress in her Hangul. She could speak in korean pretty good now, but she failed to write or read korean alphabets perfectly.

Of all the places on earth, why Korea? Why not England or Hong Kong? Sixteen year-old Mia Jamison had no choice but to obey her mother's decision despite how she was completely against it in the first place.

Leaving everything behind to start a new life in Korea had changed Mia from a cheerful girl with lovely bright smile, to a boring quiet teenager that has no friends.

Her life was miserably boring and pointless. Other students did try to befriend with her, but Mia find it hard mixing with them. She didn't like kimchi, she doesn't listen to K-Pop music, and she hates talking in korean because her tongue just sounds like it's tangled up when she talks.

But the one thing she hates most, is her class teacher Mr. Kwon.

"Anyounghaseyo, seonsangnim..."

Mia weakly greeted Mr. Kwon when she bumped into him in the hallway.

She bowed her head slightly without even looking at his face. Her class teacher, who teaches music and literature in Mia's class, has a very charmingly adorable good looks. The twenty six year-old teacher is also very popular with female students. He likes to joke a lot in his class and always wears that bright cheerful smile on his handsome face. His undeniable charm had caused a lot of female students to admire him, and even have a crush on him.

Mia is the only female student in that school who has her eyes completely fixed on her book rather than paying attention to his face whenever Mr. Kwon is teaching.

"Miss Jamison,"

Mia froze at her steps as Mr. Kwon slowly approached her. Mia caught a whiff of his cologne as Mr. Kwon brought his face close to her, smirking.

"What time did you went off to bed last night?"


Mia frowned at the question, which sounded unappropriate.

"You have dark circles today... Online chatting with your boyfriend late at night?"


Again Mia didn't know how to answer such unappropriate question.

"I... I don't have a boyfriend..."

She eventually spat out the words without thinking.

She casted her eyes downwards, avoiding eye contact with her teacher. She has some sort of fear towards Mr. Kwon, since her first day in school. The moment when the school principal introduced her to Mr. Kwon, that teacher has been staring her with awkward creepy stare... the way a hungry lion would stare at a baby gazelle.

"I see, then could it be..."

Mia gasped when Mr. Kwon leaned even closer that she felt his minty breath on her face.

"You were fantasizing about a man...?"

Mr. Kwon chuckled as he walked away.

The way he winked playfully at her before he left made the hair at the back of Mia's neck stood up straight. Mia remembered clearly how Mr. Kwon bit his bottom lip with his eyes fixed on her breasts. She had bumped into him at the corridor when she was on her way to the changing room after PE class.

Mia has a thin small figure but inherited big boobies and perfect bubble butt from her mother's side of the family. She was given a small sized PE outfit because of her size, and had caused her overgrown C cup boobies became other students' main attention everytime in PE class.

Mr. Kwon was heading to the hall with his hands full, carrying his cello and some music sheets with him. Somehow as a student Mia felt it's part of her responsibility to lend her teacher a hand so she offered to help him carry the sheets.

At first she thought she saw Mr. Kwon's staring at her boobs but quickly shrugged it off her mind thinking it couldn't be true... until Mr. Kwon had purposely brushed the back of his hand against those round perky breasts that almost ripping out from her PE t-shirt, when handling his music sheets to her.

"Miss Jamison, did you hit puberty early? You seemed to have reached full sexual maturity..."

It sent chills down her spine when a teacher said those totally unappropriate things to her.

The lecherous grin on Mr. Kwon's face gave Mia goosebumps all over. Since that day onwards, Mia has always been afraid of him... and hated him for always purposely pointing her Hangul mistakes out loud for the whole class to hear.


Mr. Kwon waited until the rest of his students has left the classroom, then turned his gaze back to Mia with a smirk.

"Yes, Miss Jamison... What part of it that you didn't understand?"

He leaned against the side of his desk with crossed arms on his chest. Mr. Kwon beckoned her to come forward. Mia took a deep breath before she stepped forth.

Honestly she really hoped she didn't have to ask him about anything, but she had no other choice since he's her class teacher.

"I'm sorry, seonsangnim. But I didn't understand most of the chapter... Could, could you... explain it to me again, from the beginning? Please...?"

Watching Mia as she hesitatedly approaching, looking back at him with that pure innocent expression, Mr. Kwon consciously trying to control his own reaction.

But he just couldn't stop himself from properly analyzing her bouncy boobs as she came near. He thought for a while before he stood up before her.

"Come with me,"

Mr. Kwon said as he picked up a stack of his papers and folders on the desk, then tossed them to Mia.


Mia stood dumbfounded until Mr. Kwon grabbed her by the hips and steered her towards the music hall.

There's an event coming in a few days so the hall is temporarily closed for preparing the upcoming event.

Mia kept wondering why did Mr. Kwon led her there, since it has nothing to do with the literature he taught in class just now.

"Erm... Why are we here..."

"For a private lesson,"

"Huh? What, what lesson...?"

Mr. Kwon led her to one corner and pressed her against the wall. Mia gasped, she almost dropped the folders he had piled into her hands.

"I'm going to give you a sex lesson, whether you like it or not... And this is going to be our little secret..."

A flash of lecherous evil gleamed in the teacher's eyes as he clenched on Mia's shoulders.

"If you ever tell anyone about this, I'll torture you with endless nightmares that you'll scream my name every freaking night..."

His voice was breath rushing over the skin of her neck. He laughed quietly against her neck. It sounded filthier than usual.

"No... Seonsangnim..."

"You're completely clueless on this, aren't you?"

Mr. Kwon kissed Mia gently on her cheek, then brushed the hair away from her eyes.

He took the folders from her hands and flung them to a chair nearby.

"I... never..."

"Never been touched by a man before...?"

Mia slowly brought her hands to cover her front. She lowered her head and chewed on her own lips.

The teacher tugged her skirt up in a bunch around her waist. Mia clamped her thighs firmly while her hands trying to cover her white satin panties.

"Resisting me isn't going to be so easy,"

"Wha... mmph?!"

Mia's eyes widened when Mr. Kwon pressed his body against her and covered her sensuous lips with his, sucking her bottom lip as his hand moved to stroke the side of her head and face. He parted away few seconds after kissing his student, breathing hard.

"First kiss...?"

He asked.

Naughty grin extended on his face when his sixteen year-old student shyly nodded her head, looking down. Mr. Kwon felt a painful throbbing in his crotch, the way she was blushing after he stole her first kiss giving him pleasure, arouses him. He knows that it's a very bad thing to lust after his own female student. He knows it's even worse to have such urge of shoving his killer manhood inside her and breaking her hymen.

But the part where having a forbidden relationship with an underaged foreign student somehow exites him even more.

Mr. Kwon leaned to kiss those delicious lips again. This time his tongue pushed itself through her parted lips and probed inside her mouth.

"Ernn, mmm... Hmmm..."

Mia whimpered in between the kiss. She felt her mind whirling and everything became blurry.

She felt hard to breathe, her heart was pumping even faster by seconds. The teacher moved his lips to her cheek, then her ear.

"Don't close your eyes, watch closely on what I'm doing to your body..."

Flicked his tongue in her ear and then nibbled on it, meanwhile his hands constantly moved to unbutton her school uniform. He heard Mia drew a shuddering breath as his fingers unintentionally brushed against her nipples under that white lace bra.

"What if... I touch you here...?"

Running his fingertip around the nipples underneath her bra, Mr. Kwon furiously crashed his lips on hers when a soft moan escaped her mouth.

"Feels good, right? What do you think it'll feel like if your bra was off...?"

Mr. Kwon carefully took Mia's bra off and bit his own lips at the sight of her perfect full plumpy tits.

"Keep watching,"


His tongue circles around her pink areola, and sucked her nipple, while his hand ran over her waist up to her rib, then gently pinching the other nipple with his thumb and forefinger.

"Ahh, ahhhh...."

Another hand ran down to her soaking panties. The teacher's lips curved a satisfying smirk.

Mia swallowed to prevent herself from moaning louder when Mr. Kwon's fingertips rubbed over her moist clit. She could barely stood up straight with her knees turning limp.

Watches her gasping, panting, bit her lips, tempted and being so confused, Mr. Kwon let out a low groan along with her pleasurable moans.

Mr. Kwon withdrew his hands and kissed her passionately and long.

"That's it... for today,"

He uttered in restrained breath as he pulled away from her.

Mia, as if just recovered from a trance, quickly shield her bare tits with both hands, and her face turned bright red. Mr. Kwon picked up Mia's bra and shirt, handed them over to her. Mia could still hear the sound of his heavy breathing as Mr. Kwon helped her with the buttons.

"Tuitions on every monday, wednesday and friday after school,"

He said while straightening the collar of her school uniform.


"I'm giving you a free tuition, Miss Jamison, but every mistakes comes with tough punishment. So you better pay attention and fully focus when I teach, do you understand?"

Mia nodded rapidly. Her teacher chuckled and stroked her head.

"Good girl..."


Mia gasped. She jolted slightly when a pair of warm hands wrapped around her waist from behind.

The cigarette bud fell off her fingers.


She glanced around the back alley of the school's old building to make sure no one else was there.

How did he find her? It was always her perfect hideout for smoking after school and no one knows about it.

Mr. Kwon chuckled as he planted kisses all over her neck, his hand moved down rubbing her inner thigh. It glides to her panties from under her skirt.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... Do you know what you did wrong in class today, Miss Jamison?"


Lacking in strength to stand straight with her trembling knees, Mia clung onto Mr. Kwon's arm for support, as her teacher gently stimulating her clit.

"I warned you about the punishments before, didn't I...?"

"I'm sorry... I failed to memorize the whole chapter..."

Rubbing her clit slowly in circular motion, Mr. Kwon kept on kissing her neck, having his another hand sneaked inside her shirt, squeezing her boobs.


"Today's punishment, recite the whole chapter while I'm doing this to you..."

"Ermmm, ahh... Can't, ahhhh..."

"I won't stop until you get it all right,"

The manly hand somehow found its way to her nipple, playfully twisting it with finger and thumb.

"Uhhh seonsangnim... I, ahhhh~ I can't take it anymore..."

Tremors of pleasure rushed through her body. Mia trembled, she felt the urge of releasing something.

"Do you want me to stop? Or..."

Mr. Kwon smirked as he slids a finger into her tight pussy, sucking the skin on her neck while listening to Mia's gasping and moaning grew louder, perfectly blends with the squishing sounds from her soaking pussy.

"Arghh, mmm... No... don't stop... Ahhh, ahhhhhh..."

Mia reached her edge. Her juices splashed all over Mr. Kwon's fingers. She leaned the back of her head on his shoulder, her knees were still shaking. Mr. Kwon held her body tightly against his, kissed her sweaty cheek.

"There goes your first orgasm, Miss Jamison... And don't let me catch you smoking again, quit it, understood?"

Although he proceeds on sexually harassing her, surprisingly Mia didn't seem to hate it. Instead, she was starting to like everything that Mr. Kwon does to her body.

It's a thrilling new experience for Mia.


"Miss Jamison,"

Mia raised her head when her surname was called. She looked straight back into her teacher's stern face.

Not again, she thought. Something was definitely wrong.

"Come to my office at recess,"

Mr. Kwon said in an austere expression before he left the classroom in a hurry. Mia clutched the sides of her desk, trying to figure out what she'd done wrong in the class just now.

"What did you do...? Mr. Kwon seemed very upset,"

"I never seen that look in him before... Strange, as if you've done something that really pissed him off,"

"Hmm... But why would Mr. Kwon be angry at Mia?"

"I don't think it's about Mia's Hangul mistakes again, maybe Mr. Kwon just not in the mood?"

Few of her classmates came questioning Mia. They were curious too with their teacher's unusual behaviour that day.

"If he's angry... Could it means that the punishment will be nastier than before...?"

Mia mumbled to herself. She gulped, starting to panic. She couldn't stop her knees from trembling. Whatever it is, she's about to find out soon enough.


Knock, knock~

"Come in,"

Mia pushed the door open after a voice inside ordered her to come in.

She lowered her head down to Mr. Kwon before entering his office.

"Sit down, please..."

Mr. Kwon was writing something down on his desk, he gestured Mia to sit down without looking at her. Mia glanced over the office, always so tidy and neat.

"Did you do that on purpose, to pissed me off? Or to get yourself punished?"

Mia's eyes met with Mr. Kwon's stern gaze when he lifted his head to look at her. His irises are beautiful hazel, but lecherous threats gleamed in them. Mia felt tight in her stomach all of a sudden, her heart skipped a beat. Her knees wouldn't stop shaking, only by feeling Mr. Kwon's eyes were still on her sent hot tingling sensation in between her thighs.

"No! ... No..."

"Are you hoping for more punishments?"

Mia bit her lips, shaking her head weakly. She held her breath in her throat when Mr. Kwon shifted his seat and leaned forward, rested his elbows on the surface of his desk. He placed his chin on his hands, his hazel eyes piercing deep inside Mia.

"I'm sorry, seonsangnim..."

She said, casting her eyes downwards.

Mia apologized even though she wasn't sure what she did wrong. Her heart started pounding fast when Mr. Kwon got up from his seat, went to lock his office door then approached her from behind.

"Sorry...? Hmmm... that's not enough,"

She heard her teacher snickered from behind her. Mia stayed frozen in her seat when Mr. Kwon ran his hands from her shoulders, his fingers playing with her earlobes. His warm hands quietly sneaked through her uniform collar, unbuttoned her front then went inside caressing and twitching her nipples from underneath her clothes.

"Mmmm... Seonsangnim......"

She whimpered softly. The teacher bent down and nibbled her ear, slowly moved down to suck on her neck. He brought his lips back to her ear, bit it slightly harder.

"Don't moan unless I tell you to,"

Mr. Kwon whispered with a growl. He unbuttoned three more buttons of her school uniform, slids his hand behind to unhook her bra. Mia bit her lips, the view of the teacher's hands grasping her bare tits made her blushed. She turned her face to the side and shut her eyes. All of a sudden Mr. Kwon withdrew his hands and stood straight.

"Get up and strip, slowly..."

He commanded. Mia turned around and looked back at her teacher in confused expression.

"But, but... you never asked me to..."

"But this is a punishment, Miss Jamison, not a lesson. Now strip naked for me,"

Mia wanted to say something else but then she closed her mouth, shrugged and looked down, looking very anxious and uncomfortable.

"Since you're not going to do it, I'll just have to do it for you,"

Without hesitation, Mr. Kwon moved forward and pulled Mia up and pinned her on top of the desk by force.

"I've had enough of your teasing, Miss Jamison... You're really getting on my nerves,"

"Huh...?! No, wait!! Stop...!"


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